- ES.1 Purpose of the EIR/EIS
- ES.2 Introduction to the Riverside County Integrated Planning Process and Related Projects
- ES.3 Project Location
- ES.4 Purpose and Need
- ES.5 Proposed Project
- ES.6 Goals of the MSHCP
- ES.7 Alternatives
- ES.8 Issues Raised
- ES.9 Summary of Environmental Impacts/Consequences
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 Purpose and Need for the Proposed Project
- 1.3 Proposed Action
- 1.4 Actions Covered (CEQA) and Decisions to Be Made (NEPA)
- 1.5 Public Outreach and Scoping Process
- 1.6 Relevant Statutes, Regulations, and Guidelines
- 1.7 Organization of the EIR/EIS
- 2.1 Project Location
- 2.2 Identification of Alternatives and Selection of Proposed Alternative
- 2.3 Proposed Action - MSHCP
- 2.4 Listed, Proposed, and Strong Candidate Species Alternative
- 2.5 Listed and Proposed Species Alternative
- 2.6 Existing Reserves Alternative
- 2.7 No Project/No MSHCP Alternative
- 2.8 Alternatives Considered but Eliminated from Further Analysis
- 2.9 Funding
- 2.10 Implementation
- 2.11 Covered Activities
- 3.1 Biological Resources
- 3.2 Agricultural and Extractive Resources
- 3.3 Population, Housing, and Employment
- 3.4 Public Services (Fire Protection and Parks)
- 3.5 Transportation and Circulation
- 4.1 Biological Resouces
- 4.2 Agricultural and Extractive Resources
- 4.3 Population, Housing, and Employment
- 4.4 Public Services (Fire Protection and Parks)
- 4.5 Transportation and Circulation
- 8.1 LSA Associates, Inc.
- 8.2 County of Riverside
- 8.3 Best, Best, and Krieger
- 8.4 United States Fish and Wildlife Service
- 8.5 California Department of Fish and Game
- 8.6 DUDEK & Associates, Inc.
Appendix A - Scoping Report; Notices; Mailing Lists; Responses; News Articles
- Introduction
- Scoping Overview
- Notice of Preparation and Notice of Intent
- Public Notification
- Public Outreach/Notification to Minority and Low-Income Populations
- Public Scoping Meetings
- Responses to the Notice of Preparation and Notice of Intent
- Federal Agencies
- State Agencies
- Regional Agencies
- Organizations
- Individuals
- Summary of Major Issues/Comments in Response to the Notice of Preparation and Notice of Intent
- Federal Agencies
- State Agencies
- Regional Agencies
- Organizations
- Individuals
- Conclusions
- Alternatives Suggested During Scoping
Appendix A-1 - Draft EIR/EIS Notice of Availability, Federal Register Notice and Mailing List
- Notice of Availability (not posted on the Web but hard copies can be viewed at your local library or purchased at Riverside Blue Print).
- Federal Register Notice
- Public Notices(not posted on the Web but hard copies can be viewed at your local library or purchased at Riverside Blue Print).
- Mailing List(not posted on the Web but hard copies can be viewed at your local library or purchased at Riverside Blue Print).
Appendix B - Alternatives Screening Report
- Introduction
- National Environmental Policy Act and California Environmental Quality Act
- Goals and Objectives of the Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan
- Descriptions of Alternatives Considered But Not Carried Forward for Analysis in the EIR/EIS
- Modified Reserve Configuration Alternative
- Narrow Endemic Plant Species Alternative
- Vegetation Communities
- Reserve Configurations
- Conservation Benefits of the Modified Reserve Configuration Alternative
- Reasons for Not Carrying Forward the Screened Alternatives in the EIR/EIS for Analysis
- Modified Reserve Configuration Alternative
- Narrow Endemic Plant Species Alternative
- Conclusion
- References and Acronyms
- References
- Acronyms
- Table 1 - Species Protected and Private Lands Conserved
- Table 2 - Narrow Endemic Plant Species Protected under the Narrow Endemic Species Alternative
- Table 3 - Percentage of Vegetation Communities Subject to Take-Authorized Development with the Modified Reserve Configuration Alternative
- 1.1 MSHCP Regional Location
- 1.2 MSHCP Plan Areas - Incorporated Cities
- 2.1 Existing Land Use
- 2.2 Criteria Area Boundaries
- 2.3 Status of Land Ownership
- 2.4 Bio-regions in the MSHCP Plan Area
- 2.5 Vegetation Types in Western Riverside County
- 2.6 Listed, Proposed, and Strong Candidate Species Alternative
- 2.7 Listed and Proposed Species Alternative
- 2.8 Existing Reserves Alternative
- 3.1.1 Areas Within the MSHCP Plan Area Potentially Affected by Existing State and Federal Wetlands Regulations
- 3.2.1 Farmland Resources
- 3.2.2 Mineral Resources
- 3.5.1 Existing Roadways
- 3.5.2a Existing Conditions Roadway Classification and Level of Service Northwest MSHCP Plan Area
- 3.5.2b Existing Conditions Roadway Classification and Level of Service North-Central MSHCP Plan Area
- 3.5.2c Existing Conditions Roadway Classification and Level of Service Northeast MSHCP Plan Area
- 3.5.2d Existing Conditions Roadway Classification and Level of Service Central-Eastern MSHCP Plan Area
- 3.5.2e Existing Conditions Roadway Classification and Level of Service Southwest MSHCP Plan Area
- 3.5.2f Existing Conditions Roadway Classification and Level of Service South-Central MSHCP Plan Area
- 3.5.2g Existing Conditions Roadway Classification and Level of Service Southeast MSHCP Plan Area
- 3.5.3 Utilities
- 4.1.1 MSHCP Vegetation Map
- 4.1.2 Regional MSHCP Context
- 4.1.3 Schematic Cores and Linkages Map
- ES-A Summary of Alternatives
- ES-B Summary of Significance of Impacts after incorporation of Mitigation Measures
- 1A Decisions/Actions by Lead and Responsible Agencies
- 2A Land Distribution by Jurisdiction
- 2B Planned Land Uses within Unincorporated County Land
- 2C Planned Land Uses within Incorporated Land
- 2D Existing vs. Planned Land Use within Western Riverside County
- 2E Number of Species Considered for Conservation under the MSHCP since 1999
- 2F Estimate for Conservation by Vegetation Community (Proposed MSHCP)
- 2G Species Conserved by the MSHCP
- 2H Listed, Proposed, and Strong Candidate Species Alternative Species List
- 2I Listed, Proposed, and Strong Candidate Species Alternative Vegetation Summary
- 2J Listed and Proposed Species Alternative Vegetation Summary
- 2K Existing Reserves Alternative Vegetation Summary
- 2L Summary of Potential Species Conservation under Existing Reserves Alternative
- 2M Summary of Existing Reserves within the Proposed MSHCP Plan Area
- 2N Existing Species Provided Protection within the MSHCP Plan Area
- 2O Plant Species Protected under the Narrow Endemic Species Alternative
- 3A Summary of Collapsed and Uncollapsed Vegetation Communities Classifications
- 3B Acreage and Proportional Distribution of Vegetation Communities within the Proposed MSHCP Plan Area
- 3C State Designated Farmland within Western Riverside County (Acres)
- 3D Existing Agricultural Use in Western Riverside County
- 3E Mineral Production in Riverside County
- 3F MRZ-2 Land within the Proposed MSHCP Plan Area
- 3G Regional Population Growth Trends, 1994-1999
- 3H Population, Households, and Employment within Unincorporated Western Riverside County, 1997
- 3I Population Growth Trends within Cities of Western Riverside County
- 3J Housing Growth Trends within Cities of Western Riverside County
- 3K Employment Growth within the Cities of Western Riverside County
- 3L Growth Forecasts for the Unincorporated Western Riverside County
- 3M Developed Residential and Employment Land Use
- 3N Fire Stations Serving Western Riverside County
- 3O Future Park Facilities
- 3P Generalized Urban Functional Classification System - Definitions
- 3Q Generalized Rural Functional Classification System - Definitions
- 3R Level of Service Criteria
- 3S Uninterrupted Traffic Flow Facilities Level of Service
- 3T Interrupted Traffic Flow Facilities Level of Service
- 3U Existing Roadway Capacity Analysis (Interstate and State Routes)
- 3V Existing Roadway Capacity Analysis (Classified Local Facilities)
- 4A Summary of Impacts to Vegetation Communities
- 4B Comparison of Effects on Listed Covered Species by Alternative
- 4C Comparison of Effects on Non-listed Covered Species by Alternative
- 4D Species Not Covered under the MSHCP
- 4E Summary of Impacts to Cores and Linkages
- 4F Summary of Impacts to Vegetation Communities
- 4G Non-listed Species Covered Under the Listed, Proposed, and Strong Candidate Species Alternative
- 4H Non-covered Species Under the Listed, Proposed, and Strong Candidate Species Alternative
- 4I Summary of Impacts to Vegetation Communities
- 4J Non-listed Species Covered Under the Listed and Proposed Species Alternative
- 4K Non-covered Species Under the Listed and Proposed Species Alternative
- 4L Summary of Impacts to Vegetation Communities
- 4M Listed Species Conserved Under the Existing Reserves Alternative
- 4N Non-listed Species Covered Under the Existing Reserves Alternative
- 4O Non-covered Species Under the Existing Reserves Alternative
- 4P No Project Alternative Land Use and Vegetation Summary
- 4Q Summary of Existing Reserves within Plan Area
- 4R Designated Farmland within the Limits of Each MSHCP Alternative (Acres)
- 4S Actively Utilized Agricultural Land within the Limits of Each MSHCP Alternative (Acres)
- 4T Agriculturally Zoned/General Plan Designated Farmland within the Limits of Each MSHCP Alternative (Acres) - assuming adoption of County's Draft General Plan
- 4U Agriculturally Zoned/General Plan Designated Farmland within the Limits of Each MSHCP Alternative (Acres) - assuming land use designations in the County's and the Cities' existing General Plans
- 4V Mineral Resource Zone 2 Acres under the Proposed MSHCP and Action Alternatives
- 4W Land Available to Accommodate Anticipated Mineral Extraction Growth
- 4X Summary of Impacts to Planned Park Facilities
- 5A Population Growth Trends within Cities of Western Riverside County
- 5B Housing Growth Trends within Cities of Western Riverside County
- 5C Employment Growth within the Cities of Western Riverside County
- 5D Growth Forecasts for the Unincorporated Western Riverside County