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Clearances for Building and Safety Permits

Clearances for Building and Safety Permits

Many permits require that the customer obtain clearances from other departments prior to permit issuance and sometimes prior to permit final. The type of clearance will be given to the customer at permit issuance, usually in the form of a Building Progress Report. Clearances include but are not limited to conditions of approval, additional fees, mitigation fees or clearance letters.

In order to obtain clearances on your permit please directly contact the department that would provide those clearances, as listed below;

  • Building and Safety: (951) 955-1800
  • Land Use: (951) 955-1800
  • Planning: (951) 955-3200
  • Code Enforcement: (951) 955-2004
  • Fire: (951) 955-4777 Flood: (951) 955-1200
  • Environmental Health: (951) 955- 8980
  • Transportation/Grading: (951) 955-6527
  • Trans. Encroachment Permits/Transportation Clearances: (951) 955-6790
  • Survey: (951) 955-6700
  • Department Websites: